Our mission is to empower women to reach their full potential and make a positive impact in their workplaces and communities.
MBA Scholarships
Events and Webinars
Industry Applied Project-based Learning
No Bachelor No Problem
100% Online
No Exams
All degrees embed lessons from hundreds of real-world leaders
We recognise the many challenges that women face in the workplace, including biases, lack of mentorship, and difficulty balancing work and family responsibilities.
That’s why Ducere is dedicated to providing resources, opportunities, and support to help women overcome these obstacles and thrive in their careers.
87% of the top 500 companies last year led by a female decision-maker reported above-average profits.
– Revolent Group, 2022
Research predicts that when women are as equally involved in the economy as men, the annual global GDP could increase by $28 trillion, or 26%, by 2025.
– exudeinc.com, 2022
"I was petrified of university study. For decades I would talk myself out of it. But with my life experience assisting me, I’ve been passing each subject! If I can do this, absolutely anyone can. Don’t wait, grab it with both hands, you won’t regret it!"
"The only regret I have is that I didn’t start with Ducere earlier! The online systems are streamlined and easy to use. The support I received was phenomenal, the content is so engaging and all the assignments allow me to gain a futuristic way of thinking and be industry ready upon graduation."
"The real-world experience through practical MBA projects has opened many doors. I was promoted from Team Leader to ICT Operations Manager and in the last three months was contacted by Fujitsu to take up a National Manager role within Defence. That’s two promotions in two years!"
"Very practical course, focused on applying my learning to the real world. I’m loving it as I’m able to study at my own pace while balancing it with my full-time job."
"I went to a traditional university and realized it wasn’t what I wanted to do. The people involved, the content and the way the content is delivered is great. This course helped me to find my passion."